Dear St Martha’s Parents and Carers,
We, as governors, would like to welcome you, introduce ourselves and tell you a little more about the role of our Governing Body at St. Martha’s.
Our main role is to work with Rachel Edwards, who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, and the staff to deliver a high quality of education for each and every child at St. Martha’s.
At St. Martha’s you and your child will be treated like family, with care, consideration and respect. We take the well–being of every child very seriously and will strive to ensure that they reach their full potential, spiritually, academically and in their personal development.
As Governors we ensure that:
- The school has a strong and clear vision and ethos.
- Standards are high and that all children at St. Martha’s have access to the best possible education.
- The resources of the school (budgets, staff and building) are managed well and appropriately.
- The safety and wellbeing of both children and staff are of the utmost importance and are actively considered by Governors in all the decisions we make.
- We meet as a Full Governing Body every half term (six times a year).
- Governors come into school to visit classes, undertaking learning walks, attending events such as assemblies and masses and helping with projects.
- Parent Governors are elected by the parents providing a parental viewpoint at the Governing Body. Parent Governors are not representative of individual parent’s concerns or issues
There are no other committees within this governing body.
This page is currently in the process of being updated. Please come back shortly to find out a little bit about each governor.
Who we are:-
Deacon Shaun - Chair of Governors - RE, Catholic Life of the School
I was ordained Deacon in July 2015 by Bishop Alan Hopes. My diaconal ministry is mostly for the
Parish of Our Lady of the Annunciation King’s Lynn. (Our Lady’s Church on London Road & Holy
Family Church Field Lane). I am part of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham & I am deacon for
the Walsingham Ordinariate Group. I also assist for the Diocese of East Anglia.
I work full time in the secular world where I am an experienced Personal & Executive Assistant and
administrator, currently working for the University of Cambridge at the Development Office.
(Previously I have worked at HM Treasury & the Department of Health)
This is my first School Governor role & I hope to use my skills and experience for the benefit of the
school & Governing body. I believe I am what I am today because of my education & support from
my Catholic Primary & Secondary Schools in Plymouth so I hope I can use this background as well as
my ministry in supporting the Catholic life of the School)
Contact Information: c/o St Martha's RC Primary School, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4AY. 01553 774829 Email:
Term of Office: 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2026
Jack Defty - Foundation Governor - Sports Premium and PE Funding
Hi my name is Jack, I have lived in kings Lynn all my life. I attended St Martha's myself as a child and I now currently have 3 children attending the school in reception and years 4&6.
I have been governor for just over a year, I have also been given the role of link PE governor. I am very passionate about all sport and physical activity which I hope can help me in my governor role.
Term of Office: 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2025
Piya Manesh - Foundation Governor - SEN and LAC
I joined St. Martha’s Governing body on the 1st of April 2021, as nominated by the Diocese. I am a housewife. We have 3 children. Our youngest daughter Hannah is currently in year 5 at St. Martha’s. I became part of the St. Martha’s community since 2012 when our other daughter Sarah joined the school.
I am very happy and proud to see how the school has progressed over the years. Hope I can do my best to support the school as a SEN Governor.
Term of Office: 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2025
Jicinta Jawaneri - Foundation Governor - Play
My name is Jacinta Nwaneri. I have been a governor for only a year. Am really enjoying the role .I am an intensive care nurse and work at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital kingslynn, I have been a nurse for more than 20years.I am married with three children two of our children attended saint Martha's catholic primary school.
James Varghese - Foundation Governor - Pupil Premium
I am James Varghese, currently working as a certified Electrician. I had two children finished from St Martha's School. I am also a member of Charitable organisation Knights of St Columba Council No.319 as a Welfare Officer which is based on Holy Family Catholic Church at King's Lynn. I have a passion in servicing the local community, so I am here.
Lisa Austin - Co-opted and Safeguarding Governor
I joined the governing body in 2022. I have two children, Henry and George. Henry is a pupil at St Martha’s and we are hoping George will be joining Reception in September. My husband works as a Teacher at a local secondary school and I work as a Senior Lawyer for Norfolk County Council.
I joined the governors because I wanted to play a more active role in the school.
Lisa Austin does not have voting rights in the Governors.
Daniel Manu - Parent Governor - Wellbeing
My name is Daniel Manu, my background is in teaching and I hope to bring my 13 years’ experience in education to the Governing Body. I work at Springwood High School as a Computer Science teacher and the Assistant Head of Computer Science. I am also the coordinator for the Erasmus program in the school. My son attends St Martha’s school so I have a vested interest in its future. I am a strong believer in good education and have always maintained an enquiring mind is a healthy mind. As a parent governor, I will work hard to contribute to the school and help it to continue providing the best possible education for every child.
Harald Geogloman - Parent Governor - Health and Safety